Why is it used ?
What are the visual supports?
2. Academics- For eg to understand concepts -Yes /no ,multiple choice questions.
3. Communications-
4. To teach social skills- See Social stories by Carol Gray. It teaches social etiquette and do's and don'ts expected for safety, public and private behaviour etc
5.Behaviour Management
6. Teaching concepts of self management and regulation. Using Mood thermometers or emojis to describe how they feel- 5 point management scale.
A lengthy video but a must watch. Check out this great video. It is the first part of several videos on this topic. Do visit autism community training website for further. They have lot of free resources.
Autism speaks- visual supports
Awaz app- About AAC and social stories
Socio emotional regulation stories- social thinking website and kimochis .com
5 point management scale on google images, mad o meter at kimochis
Email us at getchildgoing@gmail.com for any questions.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such. Treatment may be individualised based on the needs of your child. Kindly consult a doctor.