Let’s discuss the recipe for successful learning and attention. Like we need rice, dal to make khichadi, similarly we need these ingredients for learning and attention.
When an ingredient is missing, it alters the taste of the dish, like wise if these components are missing it can affect an individual’s s developmental profile.
So let’s see these components and activities to improve it.
Shape, size, background, form, pattern (spatial) can be recognised by using our eyes (visual pathway).
Reduced spatial skill can reduce the ability to recognise letters, which can have profound academic impact or the child may appear to be clumsy (example- difficulty with right or left.)
By giving directed activities these skills can be honed.
Resources links for visual perception activities
It is our ability to focus on something, suppress distractions and ability to shift our focus.
If these skills are not there, a child may be
seen as inattentive or wrongly judged as stubborn.
To improve a child’s attention, do read our section on ADHD- tips for parents. In addition these activities directed to improve attention are extremely useful.
We constantly use it to do an ongoing activity (even as we read this.) or remember things we did. So any concerns in the short term, long term, active working memory can lead to need for repetition, failure to retain information and mistakes.
Few tips to improve memory would to be to form pairs (like similar sounding letters), categories (fruits, vegetables), sequences (to remember the steps) and rules (like punctuation)
Few resources to improve memory
Understanding the letter, their sounds, vocabulary are crucial for reading. Because a child who hasn’t learnt to read, cannot read to learn.
Temporal sequencing- the use of time and sequence. For example- to do maths problems or spellings and the required skills to organise.
Writing – fine motor skills (grapho motor skills)
To understand these pre requisites better and for resources, see the section on learning disorder.
An important 21st century skill. If we don’t understand our own and others emotions, manage them it becomes difficult to function. When we can’t problem solve, we can’t have healthy relationships.
Thus for long term success we adults should groom our kids well and be good role models for then to emulate.
For eg teaching basic emotions- happy, angry and sad. How to express it properly (self management).
Crucial to brainstorm, take decisions, problem solve and understand rules.
All this is definitely impacted by genetics, environment, general health and family factors.
So working on these components along with your developmental team will help the child to strengthen his/her strength and function effectively.
Email us at getchildgoing@gmail.com for any questions.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such. Treatment may be individualised based on the needs of your child. Kindly consult a doctor.